Thanks to high-quality hardware and specifically designed software the Audioserver is exceptionally reliable and maintenance-free. In Belgi zijn rookmelders al een tijdje verplicht, want rookmelders redden immers levens En al zeker een rookmelder die gentegreerd is in een Loxone Smart Home. Vanaf 1 juli 2022 zal in Nederland in elke woning, dus ook bestaande, een rookmelder per verdieping verplicht zijn. The Loxone Audioserver can be installed in almost any type of building enabling a wide range of functionality – whether that’s a powerful alarm system in a restaurant, an intelligent doorbell in a smart home or customisable announcements in an office. Rookmelders vanaf 1 juli verplicht in Nederland. Different functions from your smart home can be read from your Audioserver so that you can hear what is. In combination with the Miniserver, it is possible to play different music.Pairing with the Miniserver Factory Reset, Settings and. The Audioserver is the most flexible audio solution for any building making it perfect for electricians and audio professionals alike. Text to speech or TTS is an extremely good feature. The inherent expandability of the Audioserver means that it gives you an extremely versatile and scalable solution. The Loxone Audioserver is a highly versatile audio solution for any type of building. It’s 4 integrated amplifier outputs can be used to create extensive audio zone groupings – bringing music into any room. Whether it’s relaxing background music or a powerful party playlist – the Audioserver has got you covered. No matter if you need it loud or quiet, crystal clear background music or bumping party beats, any occasion can be enhanced. So in combination with high-quality, passive 4-8 speakers, impressive sound is created all around. It’s the ultimate power behind a unique sound experience for your project. The Loxone Audioserver is not a speaker – it is the intelligence behind your speakers! When combined with high-quality speakers the Audioserver forms the basis for rich and clear sound. The Audioserver is not exactly a speaker.