Women here have on average 0.6 female sex partners in their lifetimes. They have had nine male vaginal sex partners in their lifetimes. Females in Homedale 18 years and older have had any kind of sex with 10 men on average. Forty nine percent have sex without using a condom. The average person in Homedale has vaginal or anal sex 66 times a year. Eleven percent of people use protection, like a condom or dental dam, while performing oral sex. They performed oral sex on average on five men in their lifetime. People in Homedale were 20 years old on average when they first performed oral sex on a man. They have had 1.7 anal sex partners in their lifetime. Males in their lifetime have anal or oral sex with 2.9 men on average. In their lifetime they performed oral sex on average on five women. People living here were on average 20 years old when they first performed oral sex on a woman. The average man in his lifetime had any kind of sex with 27 women. People in Homedale were 16 years old on average when they had sex for the first time. Sixteen percent of females have ever had any kind of sex with a woman. Forty two percent have ever had anal sex. Eighty one percent have ever performed oral sex on a man. Ninety seven percent of females have ever had vaginal sex with a man. Five percent of males in Homedale have ever had any kind of sex with a man, including oral or anal. Fifty percent have ever had anal sex with a woman. Eighty five percent have ever performed oral sex on a woman. Ninety five percent of males have ever had vaginal sex with a woman. Ninety seven percent of Homedale residents 18 years and older have ever had vaginal, anal or oral sex. The biggest differences compared to state averages have been highlighted with a blue background. The average person living here (including children) has 23 teeth. They also use mouthwash or other dental rinse products to treat dental disease or dental problems an average of three days per week. People living here aged 30 years and older, aside from brushing their teeth with toothbrush, use dental floss or any other device that clean between teeth on average three days per week.

Homedale residents rate the overall health of their teeth and gums on average at 43 percent. Twenty three percent think they might have gum disease (might have swollen gums, receding gums, sore or infected gums or loose teeth). Eighteen percent of people living here 30 years of age and older, are embarrassed because of their teeth, mouth or dentures. The average Homedale resident last visited a dentist two years ago (including all types of dentists, such as, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists). PECOS is Medicare's enrollment and revalidation system and it is the primary source of information about verified Medicare professionals eligible to order or refer healthcare services for Medicare patients.The biggest differences compared to state averages have been highlighted with a blue background. If you are a Medicare beneficiary this means a provider can charge whatever they want for services rendered but must follow certain rules to do so.

Opt-out providers signed an affidavit to be excluded from the Medicare program.Afterward, you should receive reimbursement from Medicare for up 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for the services rendered.

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If you pay the full cost of your care up front, your non- participating provider should still submit a claim to Medicare. There are some states that restrict the limiting charge when you see non-participating provider. If you are a Medicare beneficiary this means the provider can charge up to 15% more than Medicare's approved amount for the cost of rendered services, in addition to your normal deductible and coinsurance costs. Non-Participating providers do not agree to take Medicare claims assignment.Medicare beneficiaries still have to pay a coinsurance or co-payment amount for a visit or service. Participating providers may not charge Medicare beneficiaries more than Medicare's approved amount for their services. Taking claims assignment means the provider accepts Medicare's approved amount for the cost of rendered services as full payment. Participating providers are registered with Medicare and accept claims assignment.