This is the full extent of the potential interactions you can have with the game. Similarly, if you’re playing this game on a console, you control your character’s movements with the two analog sticks. On computers, you control your character with a combination of the standard “W”, “A”, “S”, and “D” keys and mouselook. Like a majority of the Source mods, Dear Esther is presented from a first-person perspective. This dedication to the art of minimalism extends to the gameplay itself.

Signs that people once lived here are present, but by the time the credits roll, you will not encounter a single living soul. You are a character who has manifested upon the shore of an island within the Hebrides – an archipelago situated off the coast of Scotland. Accordingly, the premise and storytelling are highly minimalistic. Pinchbeck opted for a poetic approach to writing. When drafting the story of Dear Esther, Mr. WARNING: This review will contain unmarked spoilers.

How, exactly, did it capture such a profound amount of critical attention? Even now, it is considered one of the scene’s early hallmarks.
When the original mod was created, the independent gaming scene had started gaining traction. As a standalone release, Dear Esther received positive reviews overall. Briscoe his full blessings for the redesign. As the original mod, though praised, was also criticized for baring numerous glitches and a poor level design, Mr. An artist of renown within the independent circuit named Robert Briscoe had the honors of completely redeveloping Dear Esther from the ground up. This Landmark Edition was released in 2012 on the digital distribution platform Steam.

Like many successful mods, Dear Esther went on to receive a commercial release. The following year, Dear Esther won the award for Best World/Story award at the IndieCade festival.
There, the website Mod DB selected it as one of the best mods of the year, placing it on their top 100 list. It was later selected for the Animation Exhibition at the Prix Ars Electronica. The game, entitled Dear Esther, was originally released as a free mod in 2008. He sought to capture a poetic use of language while drafting the script, contrasting the descriptive tone typically found in the medium. Pinchbeck conceived the script, citing the works of William S. Thus, in 2007, the couple founded their very own independent game studio they dubbed The Chinese Room – named after the famous thought experiment devised by philosopher John Searle in his work “Minds, Brains, and Programs”.īeing a research project at the university, it received funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Using her experience, she was more than happy to help her husband with his project. Curry had earned a Bachelor of Arts for English Literature and Language at the University College London in 1994 her postgraduate work saw her earn a diploma in Screen Music from the National Film and Television School. For this task, he turned to his wife, Jessica Curry. He then realized he needed someone to score the game. Creating mods using Valve Software’s Source engine became a favorite pastime of many PC enthusiasts at the time – Mr. In the mid-2000s, a professor and lecturer from the University of Portsmouth named Dan Pinchbeck had an idea for an experimental video game.